Page name: bored wiki [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-04-20 21:38:28
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Welcome to the bored wiki !


Welcome to the bored wiki , every one is welcome here...if you would like to become a member just go to the link below (bored wiki members )and add you name at the bottom of the list...if you have any questions message me,my username is [deathly ~*~ beautiful] or [FireWing].Thank you.


Rules: agrueing here (or fighting)
2.dont talk trash about people on here
3.have fun and feel free to talk about whatever
4.dont use this as a debate room there is a forum designed for that..go there instead..


Owner:[deathly ~*~ beautiful]

Asst. Manager:[FireWing]


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Here are some other cool wiki's that I know of...if you have one you'd like to add just let me here they are:

mystic circle -owner:[scarletdeath]
ghost hunters -owner:[THEHOBBITEDONE]
Cutters Poetry-owner:[deathly ~*~ beautiful]
gothicDepression fan club -owner:[Celtore]
bleeding hearts -owner:[Celtore]
People of the Heartagram-owner:[FireWing]
What Love Truely Is-owner:[deathly ~*~ beautiful]


If you have any questions comments or complaints contact me.(Or if you wish Message James @ [FireWing])We will be happy to help you or listen to your question comment or complaint.

[deathly ~*~ beautiful]

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2005-06-04 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: i dunno,[ROGUE ANGEL] just told me he was getting off and the members that are on my online friends status bar are:sexie mama and..well you..b/c dracos gone and the other guy isnt a member..

2005-06-04 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: oh

2005-06-04 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: drark jokers on now but he isnt here i dont think so atleast..i have a relation with almost every member here..i now have 31 catching up to you!lol

2005-06-04 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: yeah, only 114 more togo

2005-06-04 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol,shut up,im alot more closer than most people,im getting there,all i have to do is get bored and start messaging random people..

2005-06-04 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: *looks* shoosh who told u my secret

2005-06-04 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol,no one,i figured it do stupid bitches continue to hit on MY guy? she needs to back the fuck off!im getting pissed again!

2005-06-04 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: yay here comes more entertainment, just let me get the popcorn and coke first

2005-06-04 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: shut up,shes gone at the moment her status on my online friends bar has a ? be back though...why do people think im dumb and that i wont find out or figure out that they re stabbing me in the back?!hello theres a fucking knife in my back!!duh!im gonna notice,but there are so many knifes in my back i cant count them and im suprised theres any room for her knife!well im bout to take the knife outa my back and stab that bitch in the heart!

2005-06-04 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: hey im sorry, im on ur side,


2005-06-04 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: thats ok, ive been used as a steam vent a couple of times,

2005-06-04 [DimondEyes_666]: ... Hi guys. umm how u been?...

2005-06-04 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: ive been fine how about u

2005-06-04 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: read what i wrote above,that bitch stabbed me in the back,i thought we were cool,ill send ya a message letting u know what she did!shes gonna read this and know im pissed and shes gonna find out soon too!

2005-06-04 [Juggalette Ryda]: hi........everyone.......


2005-06-04 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: , hey look silence is back

2005-06-04 [iCh3wi]: OMG! You weren't kidding when you told me you needed help [deathly ~*~ beautiful]. What the hell is going on here? *looks around at mess*

2005-06-04 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: FreakyPimpette03: is back, sorry

2005-06-04 [DimondEyes_666]: umm i'm ok been really hott though ... so yea hi Silence hugs u u doing ok?...

2005-06-04 [iCh3wi]: Umm, I'm doing ok, until someone told me they needed help in this wiki. Well, at least I don't own the only Bored wiki here on EP anymore. Mine is Bored Peoples Bored Together. Seems like there is a lot of arguing going on, but I can't figure out why?

2005-06-04 [Juggalette Ryda]: WOW silence.... its that draco dude huh?

2005-06-04 [iCh3wi]: Draco dude?

2005-06-04 [DimondEyes_666]: lol sorry i ment loud silence but cool hunn so what u been up to Hobbie?

2005-06-04 [Juggalette Ryda]: ya the guy thats her bf.... uhgg i explained it to her thur message

2005-06-04 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: ok,[hjkjkl] has been hitting on my boyfriend [ROGUE ANGEL] and its pissing me off,we fought about it yesterday and she said she wouldnt do it again and today she gave him her # and told him to call her..(he didnt ask 4 the # by the way)

2005-06-04 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: nothing much diamond

2005-06-04 [Juggalette Ryda]: umm silence its not all her fault... its his too cuz he messaged me yesterday sayn "ur a freaky lil sheala" and all that crap... so he is the one flirting with everyone to.... but dont worry I didnt flirt back cuz im not like that to my friends

2005-06-04 [DimondEyes_666]: wow.... cool hunn... so um yea.. a lotta controvirsy ta day..

2005-06-04 [iCh3wi]: Umm, ok. When you said there was fighting in this wiki, I thought you meant like fighting about something else, not something to do with someones boyfriend. If that's the case, there's nothing I can do about that. Sorry.

2005-06-04 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol,there is fighting about everything,were ever i go theres drama,i give up,i quit...i cant take fucking drama anymore,and crowe,i told u there was fighting but i was asking about banning people b/s i was curious that if i ever needed to,if i could,i wasnt reffering to the fight i had...i was reffering to if there was a fight or problem in rthe future that i might need to ban someone..

2005-06-04 [iCh3wi]: Ok, if theres a problem like that in the future, then I can help you. I thought you were refering to this fight, thats why I was a little peeved. Sorry.

2005-06-04 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: crowe:,no but this fight was what made me realize that it could happen in the future

2005-06-04 [iCh3wi]: Ok, I can do that then. I'll watch this wiki to see if any problems come up. But, in case I am not watching, message me ok?

2005-06-04 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: to everyone:i give up on this,its useless were ever i go drama follows and i get fucked over and its happened too many times,i give up...if u wanna take over this wiki let me know and ill pass ownership over to you,im thinking about leaveing elfpack and elftown for good,and putting everything behind me,i cant take any more knifes stabbing me in the back,theres no more room for anymore knifes ...and ive had daggers shoved into my heart so many times that it will never heal..i might come on here every now and then but i ant take anymore people hurting me..

2005-06-04 [Juggalette Ryda]: SILENCE you are not leaving EP or ET... I was in the same place u at but much worst... I wanted to leave everything behind and leave ET and EP also... i put all the relations and ended them.. then my friends all came back for me and they made me stay.... BUT YOU ARE NOT LEAVING ... like my bro aka buddy told me it is life and you have to deal with it... I have been heart broken so many times and im hurting now just thinking of you gettting hurt and i dont want you to go or nothing b/c eventho i dont kow u that good you are still a great person

2005-06-04 [DimondEyes_666]: awww don't leeve... sits in front of door looks at u wit big eyes i ant done nuttin to ya y u gotta leeve.. sits saddly they're a lotta people who care will help u through ur issues if we can...

2005-06-04 [iCh3wi]: Is there really that much fighting on this wiki?

2005-06-04 [DimondEyes_666]: meww

2005-06-04 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: i wont leave,dont worry,this place is my escape from the world...but i cant take any more shit..

2005-06-04 [DimondEyes_666]: yey smiles mewww jumps on u givven ya huggie lol meyow.. so done any thing good ta day besides putt up a good argument?

2005-06-04 [Juggalette Ryda]: Silence just calm down... i know what postion you are in with this and i dont want you to be in deeper... Also the same with me this place the computer is away from all my troubles... why do you think im alwayz on it... to calm down... but thats beside the point... just leave him be and dump his butt

2005-06-04 [DimondEyes_666]: lol yea silence-Crow some times lol

2005-06-04 [DimondEyes_666]: i think we are all here for that reasone.. or err i should juss speak for my self but yea me too it's my lil ghetto way lol

2005-06-04 [iCh3wi]: Oh, well. Debating is good, esoecially when you have a good topic. I argue at least once a week with Whim, the council member. It's always fun. To a certain point.

2005-06-04 [DimondEyes_666]: ~Solitary Man~ yey he here lol

2005-06-04 [iCh3wi]: I guess I'll announce it then. For a temporary time being, until [deathly ~*~ beautiful] is ready; I will be the temporary manager of this wiki. It's only for a short while, and nothing will be changed on the wiki, unless loud silence asks me to do so. Sorry for any problems this may cause. Please message me if you have any questions.

2005-06-04 [Juggalette Ryda]: ok thats fine with me... i just hope she will come back shortly :P

2005-06-04 [Magatama]: what's up with [deathly ~*~ beautiful]?

2005-06-04 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: i will as soon as i get some problems straigtened out...

2005-06-04 [Juggalette Ryda]: ok.... YAY

2005-06-04 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: some one answer solitary man..i dont wanna..plz

2005-06-04 [DimondEyes_666]: meww..

2005-06-04 [DimondEyes_666]: shes got some personal issues she dealing wit that's rather aggervaiting and hurtfull..

2005-06-04 [Juggalette Ryda]: OK EVERYONE LISTEN [deathly ~*~ beautiful] TOLD ME TO TELL YOU THIS... THIS IS WHAT SHE SAID "let ev1 no on the wiki that i will be rite back im not evn logging out just mini barring this so i an go upstrairs and call draco and break up with him.".

2005-06-04 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol,thanks,im back i couldnt get a hold of him..

2005-06-04 [Juggalette Ryda]: ok

2005-06-04 [DimondEyes_666]: .. ttyl guys peace hope things go better for u a loud silence huggies bye all have funa n a good night ttyl peace

2005-06-04 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: solitary man: i just figured out that ive been fighting for nothing,i found out that draco has been hitting on girls on line,and i have other issues here at home and i need to deal with them first,as soon as i do i promise i will return as owner,i have asked [iCh3wi] to temporarily take over,as soon as i am ready crowe will return the ownership to me,untill then plz everyone dont be an ass,just listen to crowe,and yes you can bann members temporarilty or permanently...and dont think crowe wont do that...

2005-06-04 [Magatama]: ok then

2005-06-04 [Juggalette Ryda]: im not gonna be a @$$ but i do have one :P

2005-06-04 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol,i would hope so freaky,buz if u didnt ur name would be a perfect fit!lol

2005-06-04 [Juggalette Ryda]: lol my names a really PERFECTO name for me.... lol... im a freak and a pimp.. (or pimpette) whichever

2005-06-04 [DimondEyes_666]: hybred is on

2005-06-04 [Magatama]: lol

2005-06-04 [Juggalette Ryda]: well it true tho :P

2005-06-04 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: what about [Broken Lies and Empty Promises]?shes supposed to be dead..

2005-06-04 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: why do people cheat?...draco lied...he said he loved me,you cant love some one and cheat on them..

2005-06-04 [Magatama]: people lie because they are afraid, afraid of what might happen if they tell the truth. but at least the truth is better than a lie ok it might leave you cold and broken but it's better than a lie that makes you feel happy and then empty

2005-06-04 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: yeah i know,i just broke up with draco,i told him that when he thought he could go with out cheating on me and flirting with other girls to let me know and id give him a second chance,bc i believe everyone deserves a second chance..

2005-06-04 [Magatama]: for love maybe

2005-06-04 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol,yeah i told him,i still love him and i hope he straightens him self out soon,i really didnt wana break up with him,but i woulda regreted it in the future,like always...i hope he will come back soon,i really didnt wana leave him..

2005-06-04 [hjkjkl]: Hi everyone whats going on ?

2005-06-04 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: were talking bout how some one cant love someone and cheat on them at the same time,which is why i dont respect my father,and why im so careful about who i trust..

2005-06-04 [hjkjkl]: oo thats true

2005-06-04 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: hi everybody

2005-06-04 [hjkjkl]: ok well peace ppl bye ttylater

2005-06-04 [Heart of a Lover]: sup?

2005-06-04 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: nothing much

2005-06-04 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: trying to figure out if [ROGUE ANGEL] felt the same way for me as i felt for him...

2005-06-04 [Heart of a Lover]: he probably did

2005-06-05 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: well did you draco?r u here yet?

2005-06-05 [Heart of a Lover]: doesn't seem like he is

2005-06-05 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: no

2005-06-05 [Juggalette Ryda]: hi everyone

2005-06-05 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: ello

2005-06-05 [Juggalette Ryda]: ohhh i know you *pokes*

2005-06-05 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: every body knows the hobbit

2005-06-05 [Juggalette Ryda]: lol yup... but i know u well :P... j/k

2005-06-05 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: i know

2005-06-05 [Juggalette Ryda]: u my buddy... *huggles*

2005-06-05 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: hey feeling alot better than i was so happy were back together..

2005-06-05 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: hello?any one home?

2005-06-05 [Magatama]: *glomps [deathly ~*~ beautiful]* i'm here!

2005-06-05 [hjkjkl]: hey ppl whats ^??

2005-06-05 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol!good!im scared of being alone!!!

2005-06-05 [Magatama]: it's ok i'll always be there for you

2005-06-05 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: im bout to sound really dumb but i dont care...what does glomps mean?

2005-06-05 [hjkjkl]: ha thats funny!! *laughs*

2005-06-05 [Magatama]: it's like a friendly tackle

2005-06-05 [hjkjkl]: ha thats funny!!

2005-06-05 [DimondEyes_666]: meww meww

2005-06-05 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: i was being serious..

2005-06-05 [DimondEyes_666]: hay i gotta question if two people are fighting an it's really bad to where it's gunna get phisical do u havea right to step in between them?

2005-06-05 [Magatama]: if you care about both the people then yeah

2005-06-05 [DimondEyes_666]: well then do u diservie to get beeten for it?

2005-06-05 [Magatama]: no you don't deserve to get beaten at all

2005-06-05 [DimondEyes_666]: ....kk

2005-06-05 [bonebrkr4117]: depends on who it is, if there friends of yours then stop them, if not, let em go and see what happens cuz its not worth gettin hurt

2005-06-05 [Juggalette Ryda]: hi.....

2005-06-05 [bonebrkr4117]: hi

2005-06-05 [Juggalette Ryda]: whats up?

2005-06-05 [bonebrkr4117]: nota much, u?

2005-06-05 [Juggalette Ryda]: same here just alil down but ill get over it...

2005-06-05 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: hi yall, to the comment above about gettin beaten for stepping inbetween two freinds that are fightning, thats why u knock them both out first then no probs

2005-06-05 [bonebrkr4117]: why are u sad?

2005-06-05 [Juggalette Ryda]: just alotta things happen... but ill get ova it sooner or later

2005-06-05 [bonebrkr4117]: just an all around bad day?

2005-06-05 [Juggalette Ryda]: no... not all day... well its been 4ever with one thing and another with another thing its just too confusing

2005-06-05 [bonebrkr4117]: ohh ok

2005-06-05 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: every day is confusing to me, i stay confused

2005-06-05 [Juggalette Ryda]: ya... so yup... lol... umm ya... *walks into a corner*

2005-06-05 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: *walks over to corner and pokes FreakyPimpette03* 

2005-06-05 [bonebrkr4117]: *walks to corner and stands next to ya*

2005-06-05 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: ok thats it im out of the corner,getting a bit closter phobic

2005-06-05 [Juggalette Ryda]: *looks at both of u and pokes hobbit back... as i sit*

2005-06-05 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: * stands close by *

2005-06-05 [Juggalette Ryda]: *huddles close to my knees as i set my head down*

2005-06-05 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: so whats up

2005-06-05 [bonebrkr4117]: "sits down next to ya"

2005-06-05 [Juggalette Ryda]: *chews on a thumb tack*

2005-06-05 [bonebrkr4117]: thats gotta hurt

2005-06-05 [Juggalette Ryda]: nope... hehehe i luv sharp objects... i can swallow a sword.

2005-06-05 [bonebrkr4117]: thats cool

2005-06-05 [Juggalette Ryda]: lol i can swallow other things too ;P ... hehehe... but ya i luv sharp objects

2005-06-05 [bonebrkr4117]: thats hot

2005-06-05 [Juggalette Ryda]: lol thats what all everyone sayz.... almost pierced my tounge with a tack be4 and that hurt,,, lol

2005-06-05 [bonebrkr4117]: ouch

2005-06-05 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: ow

2005-06-05 [Juggalette Ryda]: ya... my friend he didnt know i was chewin on one then he came out of no where and scared the crap out of me ... and i bit down on the tack... the only damage was a lil hole but its not there now.. lol

2005-06-05 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: ok, cool

2005-06-05 [bonebrkr4117]: i would have to kick his ass if that happened to my

2005-06-05 [Juggalette Ryda]: lol but hey i dont care.... but he got what he deserved *evil grin*

2005-06-05 [bonebrkr4117]: lol

2005-06-05 [Juggalette Ryda]: ooo and u know what???? paper clips are kool to chew on also

2005-06-05 [bonebrkr4117]: thats awesome

2005-06-05 [Juggalette Ryda]: lol ya.... im bored... im tired... uhggg im everything!!!!

2005-06-05 [bonebrkr4117]: i didnt even notice that its like past 1 oclock

2005-06-05 [Juggalette Ryda]: lol me either.... time goes by fast when ya....... ya....... havin fun... :P

2005-06-05 [bonebrkr4117]: lol

2005-06-05 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: yep

2005-06-05 [Juggalette Ryda]: *quack quack* ima duck

2005-06-05 [bonebrkr4117]: wow that was just kinda out of nowhere

2005-06-05 [Juggalette Ryda]: thats how i am... hehehe *quaoo* im a duck mixed with a cow

2005-06-05 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: lol

2005-06-05 [Juggalette Ryda]: *pecks at hobbits head* guess what i am

2005-06-05 [bonebrkr4117]: moark (cow/dog)

2005-06-05 [Juggalette Ryda]: hey HOW DID U KNOW.... lol.... but no im a quakood

2005-06-05 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: duck/cow

2005-06-05 [bonebrkr4117]: lol

2005-06-05 [Juggalette Ryda]: im a duck/woodpecker.... lol... that didnt come out good... lol... ehh... I PECK ON ANYTHING DO U KNOW WHAT I AM???

2005-06-05 [bonebrkr4117]: haha... u said pecker

2005-06-05 [bonebrkr4117]: sorry i just thought that was funny

2005-06-05 [Juggalette Ryda]: lol... no i didnt i said woodpecker... oh wait i did... lol.... IM A DOGGIE

2005-06-05 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: lol

2005-06-05 [Juggalette Ryda]: *ruff ruff* ooo RUFFLES....

2005-06-05 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: potato chips

2005-06-05 [Juggalette Ryda]: mmm chips.... yummy... mmm i want a cookie

2005-06-05 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: *opens the bag that i chumped from marry poppins and pulls out a cookie* here u go

2005-06-05 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: anybody need anythign else

2005-06-05 [Juggalette Ryda]: *hits cookie away* i cant eat

2005-06-05 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: sorry u said u wanted a cookie

2005-06-05 [Juggalette Ryda]: i know and thankz... but im not hungry... i changed my mind...

2005-06-05 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: well i still have this bag o stuff from mary poppins, need anythign

2005-06-05 [Juggalette Ryda]: ummm... hummm... uhhh... what about a duck?

2005-06-05 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: hold on * pulls out a quacking duck* here u go

2005-06-05 [Juggalette Ryda]: aww thank you *huggles the duck til it go splat* ducky went bye bye

2005-06-05 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: *pulls out a towl* here u go

2005-06-05 [Juggalette Ryda]: oo towel... *covers the ducky up and jumps on it evily*

2005-06-05 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: *pulls out a sledge hammer* want this

2005-06-05 [Juggalette Ryda]: ooo ya ya *grabs sledge hammer and hits ducky til blood flys everywhere*

2005-06-05 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: *takes the sledge hammer away* thats enough no more im going ot be sick

2005-06-05 [Juggalette Ryda]: no no ... meanie... oooo BLOOD... mmm... licks the ducks blood off the ground

2005-06-05 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: ok

2005-06-05 [Juggalette Ryda]: you want some??

2005-06-05 [Juggalette Ryda]: i guess u dont.... OH NO.... AHHHHH the duck the legs.... ITS CHASING ME *runs in a oval*

2005-06-05 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: *points and laughs* sorry couldnt help myself

2005-06-05 [Juggalette Ryda]: *goes over and hit you... then continues to run around in ovals* HELLLLPPPPPP MMMMEEEEEE

2005-06-05 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: *reaches into the bag and pulls out a net, swings it catching the running duck legs*

2005-06-05 [Juggalette Ryda]: YAYAYAYAYAY~!!! *huggles hoobit* thankz.... hmmm *goes back and sits on the ground*

2005-06-05 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: hello anybody else here

2005-06-05 [Juggalette Ryda]: i think there is and their laughing at me... oh well no matter... lol.... BYE ALL TIL NEXT TIME

2005-06-05 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: later

2005-06-05 [DimondEyes_666]: sup all

2005-06-05 [bonebrkr4117]: is anyone still here

2005-06-05 [DimondEyes_666]: lol i dunno

2005-06-05 [DimondEyes_666]: i'm douting it noe of them are on my buddy list thinggy lol

2005-06-05 [Juggalette Ryda]: hi everyone... lol...

2005-06-05 [DimondEyes_666]: lol hi hi

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